Right guys...
i've been thinking about the exhibition and how to find a simple but at the same time impressive way to display our things.
I came up with the idea of stickers. Huge stickers from side to side of the wall and from top to bottom (or almost)...
That way we could basically display the process with a sort of timeline infographic thing (one for both group, with two distinctive colours so that its understandable who did what) and also display the pages of the brandbook on the wall, without having to print and bind a real book.
Now, if so, we have to get this stickers done. Me and Frazer thought about The Colourhouse in london...we just have to give them a call and ask (prices etc)...
The hardest bit is to design the infographic now.
Let me know if there's anything i can do from here...
OH...here's an example of what i mean with stickers...
it's a friend of mine's final degree show (milan)...each of them had a screen and they had to design the space around their screen only using black stickers...
soo...something like that...
(forget the old lady in the photo it's his mum)...