Saturday, 15 May 2010

Logo sketches

Some more idea for the logo and advertising.

Additional Avatar concepts

Possible Avatar concepts for Science & Art

Current Situation

The current branding of Lambeth College conveys a message of inconsistency, the colour choice is vary varied throughout the design of both the website and Prospectus. The imagery used is mainly of students, however this is not very dynamic, as most of these are head and shoulder shots. Some of the pages on the site are completely devoid of imagery, lacking an overall professional appeal. This treatment does not reflect the standard of education reviewed by OFSTEAD, and does not reflect the college's educational standards. Other educational institutions provide a hub for students, parents and teachers, providing a gateway to intranet access learning resources and email accounts, however this is not the case on the current site. Other sites have news and information which, even for a prospective student, makes the college appear that there is a lot going on, and that the site is updated and populated often. Along with the current design, the site appears devoid of activity which does not reflect well on the activities at the college.
The current ID cards convey the same theme, as they are lacking in design features and colour, the ID cards are used as discount cards, however they do not contain information to prove that a student is currently at the college. The ID card needs either an expiry date or D.O.B. of the student. Other colleges have previously combined the NUS logo for use on the high street, but this needs to be made obvious to stores in order to work effectively.
The current logo is outdated, and does not attract a youthful target market. The 'L' and 'C' appear to be different fonts. The text itself is a Roman serif font, introducing more inconsistency in the current design.


These are some sketches that I have done for the logo design, Id card, prospectus and avatars. I also sketched out a rough idea for presenting the Final ID card

Logo / Id card

Presenting ID card

Executive Summary

This is what i have for executive summary, if ive missed something then just comment and ill fix it.

Lambeth college is based in London and is spread over a series of campuses each offering various academic and vocational courses to suit all needs. Lambeth college's main target is the younger students but also offer courses for people from all walks of life. Lambeth college is committed to providing the best learning experience for its students and has a number of links with further education institutes and potential employers. There are also highly skilled tutors and technical staff who offer a diverse range of specialisms and expertise in their own respective field. All these attributes need to be reflected through the outcome of the design. The designs need to show a sense of identity, creativity and individuality.

ID card

Is it possible to have a scan/picture of the current id card before the monday meeting?

Logo and student card design

I have been working on designing the logo and student card within the concept of "Identity","Individuality" and "Creativity". Let me know what you think.

Current Colour Palette

/ This are the pantone codes of the current color range used in the prospectus.
It is a very wide range, with probably too big gaps between one and the other. There is a very weak consistency.
/ What the group suggested is to narrow down the range of hues in order also to reach a more 'professional' and competent look, design-wise.

ID card shapes

ID cards and Logo Ideas


How many students from Lambeth College are involved in the YDP?
(just so we know how many copies of the proposal have to be printed...)

Meeting 14.05.2010

Creative Strategy

If anybody sees anything in this they think should be changed/added etc then let me know by 13:00 Saturday 15th May so I've got time to change it before printing.

Lambeth College’s message will be presented through a unified design scheme, sharing colours, selected graphic elements and repeating themes such as; reusing character avatars on ID cards, prospectuses and departmental website areas to allow for easy navigation and quick visual association. The message will also be presented through advertising which is going to present all brand attributes through the college’s tone of voice direct, informal, creative but still academic. The copy will be impactful and engaging. However it will also be careful not to alienate the target market and should talk to them through their voice, not as though a teacher or parent talking to them. We will need to be cautious not to appear patronising and appear as an adult attempting to talk to them like a teenager and failing badly (see most government health education or social adverts aimed at teens for examples). To help with the unification and to improve the aesthetic interest of the college’s visual identity the Lambeth College logo will be redesigned for a logo which is visually exciting and will hold to the college up as an example of good design amongst FE institutions.