Logo explanation:
Our logo is designed to fit with almost everything about Lambeth College. The design shows the growth of yourself. It does this by presenting expanding sections that grow out from a central point. This is the same as we do as people, starting with who we are and adding extra knowledge and friends etc on to this.
The fact that the logo features a perfect circle which has been staggered and pushed out of symmetry is to demonstrate being part of the college but also individual at the same time. At college you are part of the student body and share its identity as a student but it is also the same time you begin to establish your own identity with your own style and opinions.
Moving away from the more conceptual side of the design the logo also represents the curves of the college (well the Clapham site anyway) if you look at where the curve of your roof bends over the side of your building to continue on to the ground it is almost identical to the curves on the left hand of the logo.
Prospectus explanation
The prospectus is the first line of persuasion for Lambeth College when attempting to entice new students. It is the thing they will take home after open nights to study and decide on. Therefore it should be something special; we are working off the value of being creative after all. Our prospectus helps to bring the feeling of fluidity and curves from the building and logo to the students when they first encounter the college so that from the instant they are introduced to the college they know the feel of it.
The design also reflects, just as the logo does, the building of the college. Our environment is one of the most important factors when it comes to education and Lambeth has a superb environment with a great building and natural views so this is reflected wherever possible in the branding to emphasise it. It’s far easier to have revelatory moments when you don’t hate your surroundings and that is at the core of our brand values.
On a more practical level each department is separated by colour or colour combinations. This is for the simple practical reason of making it easier to navigate through a large document so that prospective students don’t feel they are wasting their time. That is not something we want associated with a place that they are thinking of attending for the most important educational years of their lives.
Furthermore the coloured sections help to bring the feeling of individuality in to the prospectus. As a core value we are making this clear in the look of the document. Why should philosophy look the same as motorcycle maintenance? They are individual subjects so it is only right they are shown as such.